undefined NaN, NaN by Niddhi Bhangdia
Is your website mobile friendly? If not, then hurry up! Google has something up on their sleeves. If you are a techie and are into websites, you must have probably heard of the word Mobile indexing. These are the latest development efforts undertaken by Google to increase mobile usage and make it more user friendly. However, very few people know about this upcoming rising trend and if you are one of them then check out this blog to know what exactly that means.
Mobile Indexing in simple terms means a responsive (Mobile) version of your website that Google is going to crawl and rank it according to the rich content posted on your website. A mobile indexed site can be helpful in bringing the website traffic. For instance, if any particular website does not have a responsive version then the desktop site can still be included in the indexing. But the lack of a mobile-friendly version can negatively impact the ranking of the site since the users won't be able to see your website properly on their mobile phones. Although a site with better mobile experience can receive a great ranking boost even for desktop users.
Here are some FAQ's answered to get into more details about mobile indexing.
1. A mobile-friendly test-
It is extremely essential to have a mobile-friendly test and you need to see that each page should be tested separately to give authenticity. Testing all the pages will help you get a clear idea and make you realize where your SEO factor lies.
2. Check Google search console-
Have you been wondering how you can do that? You can do it by going out to the dashboard, into dashboard Search traffic, and then Mobile Usability. All the relevant searches on the website will pop up and your SEO score will be calculated as well. You will see a graph on your mobile usability index and then find a detailed report of the results. There you can address several issues such as-
You need to rectify these problems first when you decide to make a mobile SEO friendly website.
3. Optimize your site speed-
The most important factor for a good SEO score is your website should load very quickly. Google AMP(Accelerated Mobile Pages) is the future of your mobile website. You can run a page speed test to see how much your page is taking time to load. A user will switch to another page if the website doesn't load quickly. Maintaining a good speed is an extremely essential part of SEO.
4.4. Optimize for the keywords-
A user's Mobile search can be different when compared to the desktop search. So the optimization should also be done accordingly. You can optimize those keywords which are frequently searched on mobile and then turn it into voice search. You can optimize your keywords for different platforms. For that, you need to set the placements of the keywords of mobile or desktop as per the search history.
Why you should start acting?
Well, If you launch a new website and that does not work well on any mobile's screen, then you may have issues while indexing and impact on ranking your website on Google. So, make sure to test your site and take all the necessary steps to build it in a mobile-first manner.